Saturday, September 3, 2011

so guess what...

...apparently somehow I never got marked down as having changed to History major in the college records so I am still a Music Industry major. I can live with that mistake.

By the way. I apologize for my rant in the last post. I was probably the only one who cared about any of that.

Had my last class of the week today. Meteorology. Interesting subject, but I think the teacher is a bit off. I don't really remember much of what we learned in the two and a half hours of class. I think it may have had something to do with the fact that she gave us print outs of her power point, so I really didn't feel like I needed to listen, because it was all right there on my desk. That, and she tended to go off on tangents.

I am thinking about going for a spot as an SGA senator. Just because I feel like it. We'll see what happens.

Lately I have been trying to write more songs, but they all are ending up sounding emo. :P Not the good kind of emo music either. The whiny kind. It bugs me. lol So anyway. Thats all I have to say for now. I'm sure it changed your life. If you are out there and bored enough to be reading this why don't you say hello. Leave a comment and say something dumb. or smart if you can... it doesn't matter. lol

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