Friday, September 30, 2011

Classic Crime...

To be honest I didn't get into Classic Crime until recently. Glad I saw the light. So anyway today I was listening to The Silver Cord and heard the song 5805. The line:
Now we are swimming in memories, how we wish we could go back We hold the hope that someday we'll see the world again like that.
These words perfectly describe how I have been feeling lately. So I am writing my own song about it. Do you ever feel that way? Like the world was better in the past and everything has gotten progressively worse? The sky isn't nearly as bright blue, it rains more often, (well this year that one is true) Dreams that you saw among the stars have come crashing down to shatter on the blacktop of reality... It's a sad day when life changes from the secure, idealized version you see as a child, to the stark cold image of mans imperfection it truly is.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Je suis triste...

Mon cœur brûle dans ma poitrine, et pourtant je n'ai jamais senti si froid. :(

Saturday, September 3, 2011

so guess what...

...apparently somehow I never got marked down as having changed to History major in the college records so I am still a Music Industry major. I can live with that mistake.

By the way. I apologize for my rant in the last post. I was probably the only one who cared about any of that.

Had my last class of the week today. Meteorology. Interesting subject, but I think the teacher is a bit off. I don't really remember much of what we learned in the two and a half hours of class. I think it may have had something to do with the fact that she gave us print outs of her power point, so I really didn't feel like I needed to listen, because it was all right there on my desk. That, and she tended to go off on tangents.

I am thinking about going for a spot as an SGA senator. Just because I feel like it. We'll see what happens.

Lately I have been trying to write more songs, but they all are ending up sounding emo. :P Not the good kind of emo music either. The whiny kind. It bugs me. lol So anyway. Thats all I have to say for now. I'm sure it changed your life. If you are out there and bored enough to be reading this why don't you say hello. Leave a comment and say something dumb. or smart if you can... it doesn't matter. lol