Wednesday, August 31, 2011

cool life..

So yesterday was my first day of classes at community college.
It was pretty cool for the most part. However, what wasn't cool was the insane amount of highschool snobs and dorky guys I saw. I just finished my freshman year at a college where I lived on campus. I loved every minute of it. I had tons of friends, was always involved in activities, and I would always feel bad for the commuters. Because they really had nothing to do between classes when they had a long break, whereas I could go to my dorm room and get some work done, or relax.
Well, now I am on the other side of the fence. Living at home, driving to school, being bored when I have 2hrs btween Psychology and English Comp. Yeah, yet another "not cool" feeling.
If every day there will be exactly like the first one then I am saying right now I will hate this year. I did not meet anyone I could see myself being good friends with, besides the people I already knew previously, and that doesn't really count. The courses I am taking I think will be very difficult.

My freshman year I was a music performance major. I took voice lessons, was in the musical, sung on a worship team, played in the coffee houses, sang with my friends, was in the chorale and chamber singers. I was all about music and performing. I reveled in it. I want music to be my life.
Then I had to switch to community college. Where the only music courses they offer are guitar, piano and a few other Intro to music classes.
Where is the Music theory 2, Sight singing, Vox Pop, composition, conducting etc?

Rather than major in general studies I decided to try a second option.
I changed my major to history. As a result I am taking
Modern Culture and the Arts, and
Cool life...

Don't get me wrong. I love history and culture and the like. I was always the nerd who watched the discovery channel instead of the Disney Channel. However when it comes to Music vs. History. Music will always win in my heart. So I suppose all that to say,
My first day of school sucked. :(

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


To those of you that don't know who I am, I have no idea how you were lucky enough to happen upon this blog, but Welcome. :) To those of you that do know me, this blog is an outlet for all the things I would like to say on my other blog, but I feel the need to have a seperate one and leave the other to be more focused on music.
In case you don't know, the meaning of my blog title: "Je ne sais quoi" means something that doesn't quite translate to english from french but roughly comes to mean "indescribable"... which, to my mind is ironic. Another thing that strikes me as humorous in writing this post is that when I left the word "English" uncapitalized, spellcheck underlined it. Yet when I left "French" the same way, it failed to notice. Shame on you spellcheck.
Basically I chose the name for the blog because my posts will not have any rhyme or reason. I am warning you now that I am going to ramble about anything and everything. So if you really love me, it may interest you. If not, then you may want to get lost. JUST KIDDING. you can stay if you want...